
With today's focus on renewable energy sources, your land is more valuable than ever.

Prospective Landowners

Interested in leasing your land for a wind or solar project? Contact us today!

We are pleased to announce that EDF Renewables has upgraded its Helpline provider, which will improve how we support you.

The benefits to switching our provider includes:

Increased Reliability

Improved Access to Historical Customer Information

Improved Support & Timely Responses

Landowner Helpline will continue to be available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Central Time via 1.844.943.0723 (toll-free) and to address inquiries about payments, change of address, general project questions or anything else you may need.

Helping our farming communities thrive

For the past 35 years, we have worked with hundreds of communities across the country building long-standing relationships with local leaders and neighbors. We invest in our host communities and landowners and take great pride in their success. Our projects provide jobs, tax revenues, landowner payments and other sources of local economic development. EDF Renewables is committed to our host communities for the life of the project as a developer in the early stages and throughout as a long-term Operations & Maintenance provider.

With today's focus on renewable energy sources, your land is more valuable than ever. You have the opportunity to maximize profits by leasing your property for wind and solar development, while retaining most of your land for existing or other uses. EDF Renewables welcomes the opportunity to explore the benefits of developing a renewable energy partnership with you.

Learn how you can boost your local economy

Have You Moved?

Ensure you receive your lease payments and 1099 forms at the correct address

Our annual address update campaign is underway. Please help us keep your information up to date to ensure you receive all project communication, including tax documents, in a timely manner.

To update your contact information such as address, phone or email, please contact the Landowner Helpline at: 1.844.943.0723 or via email at:

Average Development Process

Land Acquisition
1 Year
Permitting, Interconnection & Environmental Studies
2-4 Years
9-12 Months
Operations & Maintenance
35 Years

Since 2016, our projects have contributed

$174+ million

in leaseholder payments

$10.5 billion

in vendor spending

Low-cost, clean and renewable energy creates substantial new tax revenue, boosts local economies and helps farming families.

Predictable, Long-Term Revenue Stream

Land rights agreements are a reliable and passive long-term income source that can benefit landowners and their families for generations.

Dual Land Use

Renewable energy projects can incorporate bee pollinator habitat and accommodate grazing of small livestock such as sheep.

Community Benefits

Our renewable energy projects generate significant tax revenue, create jobs and stimulate community investment.

Clean Energy

Landowners are hosting clean, American-made energy that benefits their own communities.

Fast Fact
Did you know?
Studies show solar and wind power do not affect property values. Rather, they are drivers for economic development in the host communities and support local municipal services that benefit all property owners and residents.


My experience working with EDF Renewables on the Red Pine Project has been good.

The extra income I’ve generated by having two towers on my property has had a huge impact, especially with agricultural prices being low and lower yields due to heavy rain. The access road created has been a great improvement during manure hauling and harvest as it gives us access further into the fields without getting stuck. The whole community has benefitted by the donations made on behalf of EDF Renewables such as our local fire department.

Any concerns I had during the process were addressed and I would be happy to work with EDF Renewables on another project if the opportunity was available.
We have worked with EDF Renewables across several solar development projects, and they have proven to be a powerful and reliable partner. Their representatives communicate clearly with our office, emphasizing collaboration, transparency, and honesty. Our company has worked to help numerous solar developers acquire real estate across the nation, and EDF Renewables always stands out.

As a landowner and impact investment-minded fund, we have witnessed firsthand the impact of solar energy income for our investors. Many of our investor-partners are mission motivated to have the greatest impact with their investment dollars.

We are confident that their dollars go further by investing in domestic solar development through an EDF Renewables partnership.
Luke Moorse
John Copyak
Clean USA Power

Are you a landowner interested in leasing your land or already partner on a project with EDF Renewables?

Call our Landowner Liaison at 1-844-943-0723 or send us a message below.

Send us a message

Landowner Resources


Homer Solar Project
Episode 1
Rosalen Solar Energy Project
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3


Wind FAQs
Solar FAQs
Storage FAQs

Wind FAQs

Here are a few commonly asked questions about wind power. For more facts about wind please visit FACT SHEETS on the American Wind Energy Association website.

How do wind turbines generate electricity?

A wind turbine uses moving air to create electricity. Wind traveling across the blades creates lift — like an airplane wing — which drives a generator producing electricity. Electricity generated by utility-scale wind turbines is sent to the electric transmission system, where it displaces electricity that would otherwise have been generated by more traditional sources such as coal, oil, nuclear and natural gas.

What is the anticipated life of a wind farm?

Technological advances that allow turbines to reach stronger, steadier winds, and over 30 years of experience in siting wind turbines to maximize their power output, have helped drive down costs.

Do wind turbines kill birds and bats?

As a clean energy source, wind is one of the most compatible with wildlife. The wind industry has taken a systematic approach to identifying potential impacts on birds, bats and other wildlife, and is engaged in initiatives to reduce, if not eliminate, those impacts.

Overall wind causes less than 0.01 percent of all human-related bird deaths.

How do wind farms help communities thrive?

Long-term, comprehensive studies show wind power doesn’t affect property values. Rather it is a driver for economic development in the host communities and supports local municipal services that benefit all property owners.

Can a wind turbine catch fire?

A fire at a wind turbine is a rare event, and extensive precautions are taken.

How loud is a wind turbine?

Typically, two people can carry on a conversation at normal voice levels even while standing directly below a turbine. Thousands of people worldwide live near wind farms with no ill effects.

Solar FAQs

Here are a few commonly asked questions about solar power. For more facts about solar please visit FACT SHEETS on the Solar Energy Industries Association website.

Do the panels make noise?

No, the solar panels do not make noise. Some of the facility components such as inverters and transformers do make noise but that equipment is sited with appropriate setbacks from neighboring homes so that the sound observed would be no louder than that of a quiet room.

What happens to solar panels at the end of life?

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) established a national recycling program connecting US-based recyclers with business who have solar panels to recycle. Many components of crystalline silicon panels can be reused and recycled, namely the metal, glass and wiring components, as well as the silicon cells which can be melted down to reclaim the silicon and various metals by specialty recycling companies.

Are solar panels safe?

Crystalline silicon panels that are manufactured using safe and non-toxic materials are proposed for this project. These modules are comprised of silicon, copper and aluminum, sandwiched between glass and a plastic encapsulant with an aluminum frame. These types of solar panels do not contain toxic materials and are the same type that are commonly installed on rooftops and schools.

What happens to neighboring property values?

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has examined property values across the United States. Their studies demonstrate large-scale solar arrays often have no measurable impact on the value of adjacent properties and in some cases may even have positive effects.

Furthermore, the proximity to solar farms does not deter the sales of agricultural or residential land. Large solar projects have similar characteristics to a greenhouse or single-story residence and the integration of visual buffers, such as natural vegetation, trees, and green fences lessen the visual impact of the project from neighboring homes and roads.

I heard about visual buffering. What does that mean?

EDF Renewables is sensitive to designing a project that is well received by the community and can be well integrated into the area. Features such as visual buffers typically created by planting vegetation along roadsides and adjacent to neighboring homes near the project help soften the visual impact of the facility and maintain the rural character of the area.

What is the hunting setback around battery modules?

There are no prescribed setbacks from the energy storage or solar facilities. Our facilities are enclosed by a fence and therefore hunting would take place outside of the fenced area of our facilities and respect all local laws and applicable hunting practices.

Will land previously taxed as agriculture will now be taxed as commercial?

Land that is being taxed as agriculture exempt will lose this exemption and be applied a penalty paid by EDF Renewables. Hosting a solar project will not change the zoning designation of host properties or neighboring properties.

Storage FAQs

Why is energy storage being proposed as part of a solar project?

Energy storage systems are becoming an integral part of a clean electricity system of the future. An integrated energy storage system would allow us to store electricity during the day to produce onto the grid when the sun is not shining and increase the reliability of the facility to better meet electricity needs.

Should I be worried about energy storage systems being in my community?

Energy storage systems can be safely integrated into your community. According to a publication by experts who study and provide testing of energy storage systems, “working at or living near an energy storage system is less risky than driving a car 10 hours per week, smoking, or working in industries such as construction, mining, or agriculture”.

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